Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blog 11: Lesson 1 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your lesson, and why?

I'm glad that I didn't stumble as much as I was worried about and the fact that I made time. The day before I was really nervous about this presentation because I was mainly worried about going over time and forgetting what I'm supposed to say. During my presentation I definitely felt better that I had people's attention throughout.

2. What assessment would you give yourself on your lesson? Explain why you earned that grade using evidence from the component contract.

Throughout my presentation, I felt that I remembered to keep eye contact with the audience and the only time I looked at my notes for reference was to read a definition. I moved around the front and brought a desk to the front so that I'm not just stuck behind the doc cam flipping through pictures. In addition, I brought several topic related props and explained what each one was and how it works along with pictures to demonstrate (epidural with a model spine, a laryngoscope, and 3 different kinds of breathing tubes). I also referenced the book Anesthesiology by Randall S. Glidden which I used for my hook activity and I cited the definition of anesthesiology from a web source. Towards the end I talked about my mentor and showed a picture of me with him at my mentorship. I shared a story about one of the most interesting experiences I've had so far at mentorship. These were topics covered in the component contract and for these reasons, I think I should get an AE for this presentation.

3. If you could go back, what would you change about your lesson?  How can you use that knowledge to give a better Lesson 2?

I would want to take time to speak a little slower because at times I felt a bit rushed from looking at the clock counting down and it made me nervous. I felt that sometimes my nerves showed from looking at the timer, but I feel like I did better that I initially thought I would. For next lesson, I'd work to improve that. I'd put in even more practice to ensure that my content would be right on par with the time constraint and I'd want to show even more about what I've learned at mentorship that I did not have the opportunity to do this lesson.

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