Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blog 17 - Interview 3 Reflection

[Dr. Zhuang T. Fang works here at the Wasserman Building at UCLA.]

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  

This interview has shown me a new perspective of anesthesiology. Because Dr. Fang teaches residents at UCLA what it takes to be an anesthesiologist, I saw that anesthesiology has a lot to do with having good judgement and knowing your patients. One thing that stood out to me in this interview was when I asked about the most challenging aspect of teaching anesthesia. Dr. Fang said that the most difficult thing for him is trying to make the right judgement. If a resident harms the patient, he ultimately is responsible for what happens to that patient. He said that it is much easier for him to go in and do the surgery himself, but he enjoys teaching others what he knows and wants to pass on the knowledge he has gained over the years. When he is with residents, he has to decide and find the balance between letting the resident have his or her freedom to develop their skills and practice but also knowing when to step in and take over. This helped me better understand the qualities that make a great anesthesiologist.

2.  How has your approach to interviewing changed over the course of your senior project?

The focus of my interviews has shifted to knowing more about what it takes to be an anesthesiologist. Because as I talk to more people about their experiences, I find that my interest grows even more. It has brought my research further into justifying the answers that I have for my EQ. I have seen the different ways people handle different situations to see what works. Initially, my interviews started out a bit broad and general, but over the course of the year, as I learn more about the subject, I find that I can get into deeper conversations about anesthesiology that I wouldn't have thought of in the beginning of the year.

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